Whenrunning on a treadmill , the body draws energy from carbohydrates provided in meals during the day (stored in the muscles as glycogen) and from fats. It is assumed that during the first 30 minutes of training, carbohydrates and fats are burned in a ratio of 8: 2. After about 30 minutes, the proportions are reversed and the body draws energy in 80% from fat tissue and in 20% from carbohydrates. For this reason, the optimal time to exercise on the treadmill is about 45 minutes if the condition allows, it is worth extending the training by a few or several minutes. Treadmill training is most often done in the afternoon or evening because most of us simply don't have time for morning training. It is better to train in the morning - metabolic processes take place more quickly in a rested body. Of course, the most important thing is regularity, if it is strictly observed, evening workouts will give excellent results in slimming. How do you exercise o...